Color Settings

In this section you can choose color for your website.

Categories Color:

You can choose color for your post category.

Color Settings:

Body Color: This option allows you to change the color of your body typography.

Header Text Color[h1-h6]: This option allows you to change Header text color. Mean you can choose color for h1 to h6 heading tag.

Paragraph Color: This option allows you to change the color of a paragraph (p) tag.

Top Header BG Color: This option allows you to change the background color of header part.

Top Header Color: This option allows you to change the typography color of header text.

Menu Background Color: This option allows you to change the background color of primary menu section.

Menu Text Color: This option allows you to change the text color of primary menu.

Block Title Color: This option allows you to change the color of block title font.

Sidebar Font Color:This option allows you to change the font color of sidebar’s text.

Sidebar Link Color:This option allows you to change the link color of sidebar’s text.

Sidebar title background: This option allows you to change the background color of sidebar’s widget title.

Sidebar title color: This option allows you to change the title color of sidebar text.

Top footer section background color: This option allows you to change the color of top footer background.

Middle footer section background color: This option allows you to change the color of middle footer section’s background.

Bottom footer section background color: This option allows you to change the color of bottom footer section’s background.

Top footer widget background color: This option allows you to change the widget background color of top footer section.

Middle footer widget background color: This option allows you to change the widget background color of middle footer section.

Copywirte footer background color: This option allows you to change the background color of bottom footer ( copyright footer section ) section.