Top Header Section:
News Ticker Option: This option allows you to show/hide news ticker from the website.
Current Date Format Option: This option allows you to change the date format for top header section’s date.
Ticker Category: This option allows you to set news ticker category so that you news ticker will get posts from that selected category.
Number of ticker in post: This option allows you to change the number of posts on news ticker.
News ticker caption : This option allows you to change the caption for news ticker.
Show/hide top header: This option allows you to show/hide top header of the theme.
Current Date Option: This option allows you to show/hide current date section of the top header.
Social Icon Option: This option allows you to show/hide social icon from the top header.
Sticky Menu:
Menu Sticky: This option allows you to enable/disable sticky menu.
Header Icons:
Home Icon: This option allows you to enable/disable home icon from the navigation bar.
Search Icon: This option allows you to enable/disable search icon from the navigation bar.
Random Post Icon: This option allows you to enable/disable random post icon from the navigation bar.
Home Icon Change Option: This option allows you to change the home icon. You can pick any icon from here.
Search Icon Change Option: This option allows you to change the search icon. You can pick any icon from here.
Random Post Icon Change Option: This option allows you to change the random post icon. You can pick any icon from here.
Navigation Icon change option: This option allows you to change the navigation icon for mobile/tablet view. You can pick any icon from here.